Look out for anyone who may need immediate help
Listen to someone from your heart and help create a safe space for them
Link the person to medical staffs once you have supported them as much as you can
Create a good connection with another person, give them space that they may need
Give them your time, do some activity together and let them know that you are here for them
Be compassionate when talking to the other person and have a friendly body language
Motor aplikace SATI.
Living with depression and schizophrenia has not been easy.
When I first started complaining about my head to my family in 2015, they took me to the hospital, where a doctor recommended an MRI scan. The MRI came out clear, but my migraines persisted. It was suggested to my parents that I should see a psychiatrist. They said they had never thought about it. They didn’t know where to go, or who would be best.
We chose a well-known hospital in Bangkok, which had a small psychiatric department of just two rooms. I saw a doctor there for a few months, but I never got along with him. I felt that he didn’t understand me, and he told me to do things that didn’t feel like my “natural instinct”, if that makes sense.
As time went by, nobody understood what was going on with me, especially when I started hallucinating. My family thought that I was possessed and the best thing to do was to take me to see a ghost doctor. Not being a believer, that only made matter worse.
In December 2015, without telling my parents, I signed myself into a proper psychiatric hospital. I started seeing a doctor and a counsellor. They understood me more, and for the first time in eight months, I felt like I wasn’t alone. I finally told my parents that I was now visiting a psychiatric hospital.
By the time I saw a proper doctor, my condition had worsened. I was diagnosed with major chronic depression and schizophrenia, because I kept hallucinating. I started receiving diagnoses from December 2015, but by March 2016, my mental health had deteriorated badly. I was self-harming and talking about suicide during my hospital sessions. This prompted the doctor to prescribe me electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). There were only three hospitals in Bangkok, according to the information we had, that delivered ECT. All three were government hospitals.
My ECT treatment started in April 2016. I remember having to leave home at 6am to arrive and wait my turn, which usually came around 10am. I would wake up after my treatment at around 12.30pm, then go home. After receiving ECT 36 times, I was on the road to getting better. However, because of all the medicines I had been taking, I had gained 40kgs by then. This made it too dangerous to continue performing ECT on me. After two years of treatment, I have now gained 65kgs.
With everything that was going on with me, I decided to commit suicide in 2017. Saved by my parents, I was later admitted into the hospital for therapy again. Once I was out, I decided to leave Thailand for a couple of months to take care of myself.
As I was away from the environment I felt toxic to me, I was getting better. After 2.5 months when I came back to Thailand towards the end of 2017, I felt better. However that didn’t lasted long. I started going down the dark path again.
In June 2018, I decided to commit suicide again. However this time I tried calling the suicide hotline before doing on and my call wasn’t answered. In split seconds, I was back in the hospital again.
Once I came out, I was angry that no one answered my call when I needed them. So I tried calling the suicide hotline again and I took me 4 trials (over a period of 4 days) to get in touch with them. They told me the shortage of volunteers that they are facing when compared to the growing number of callers. As a back-up they gave me another number that I can called, which I tried right away and after 5 minutes, no one answered my call.
With all that I went through, understanding the importance of having someone to listen to you in time of need, understanding that being able to talk to someone can be a matter of life or death and understanding the overwhelming number of suicide cases, I decided to use start Sati App, an on-demand listening services.
Ondřej je technologický expert s více než 10letou zkušeností.
Ondřej je kreativní a na cíl zaměřený člověk, s převratným myšlením. Má podnikatelský přístup k budování firmy a skutečné zkušenosti se start-upem. Má zkušenosti s multikanálovým hackováním, hackováním se zaměřením na růst značky a výkonu a prokázal vůdčí schopnosti vybudováním vysoce výkonného týmu.
Potřeba, aby vám někdo naslouchal bez posuzování, je čím dál tím důležitější. Určité věci se nám těžce sdílí s lidmi, kteří jsou nám nejblíže a proto nosíme jejich tíhu sebou. Mnoho lidí, kteří nedokážou zvládnout stres, si nakonec ublíží.
Suicide and suicide attempts take a tremendous emotional toll on the families and friends of those who died, as well as on attempt survivors. But suicide also has economic costs for individuals, families, communities, states, and the nation as a whole. These include medical costs for individuals and families, lost income for families, and lost productivity for employers.
The costs of suicidal behaviors—and the savings that can result from preventing these behaviors—can help convince policymakers and other stakeholders that suicide prevention is an investment that will save dollars as well as lives. For example, the recent study Suicide and Suicidal Attempts in the United States: Costs and Policy Implications revealed the following:1
Mean Medical and Work-Loss Costs per Injury Death by Intent – United States, 20132
Mean Medical and Work-Loss Costs per Emergency Department-Treated Nonfatal Injury, by Intent – United States, 20133
Život s depresí a schizofrenií nebyl jednoduchý.
When I first started complaining about my head to my family in 2015, they took me to the hospital, where a doctor recommended an MRI scan. The MRI came out clear, but my migraines persisted. It was suggested to my parents that I should see a psychiatrist. They said they had never thought about it. They didn’t know where to go, or who would be best.
We chose a well-known hospital in Bangkok, which had a small psychiatric department of just two rooms. I saw a doctor there for a few months, but I never got along with him. I felt that he didn’t understand me, and he told me to do things that didn’t feel like my “natural instinct”, if that makes sense.
As time went by, nobody understood what was going on with me, especially when I started hallucinating. My family thought that I was possessed and the best thing to do was to take me to see a ghost doctor. Not being a believer, that only made matter worse.
In December 2015, without telling my parents, I signed myself into a proper psychiatric hospital. I started seeing a doctor and a counsellor. They understood me more, and for the first time in eight months, I felt like I wasn’t alone. I finally told my parents that I was now visiting a psychiatric hospital.
By the time I saw a proper doctor, my condition had worsened. I was diagnosed with major chronic depression and schizophrenia, because I kept hallucinating. I started receiving diagnoses from December 2015, but by March 2016, my mental health had deteriorated badly. I was self-harming and talking about suicide during my hospital sessions. This prompted the doctor to prescribe me electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). There were only three hospitals in Bangkok, according to the information we had, that delivered ECT. All three were government hospitals.
My ECT treatment started in April 2016. I remember having to leave home at 6am to arrive and wait my turn, which usually came around 10am. I would wake up after my treatment at around 12.30pm, then go home. After receiving ECT 36 times, I was on the road to getting better. However, because of all the medicines I had been taking, I had gained 40kgs by then. This made it too dangerous to continue performing ECT on me. After two years of treatment, I have now gained 65kgs.
With everything that was going on with me, I decided to commit suicide in 2017. Saved by my parents, I was later admitted into the hospital for therapy again. Once I was out, I decided to leave Thailand for a couple of months to take care of myself.
As I was away from the environment I felt toxic to me, I was getting better. After 2.5 months when I came back to Thailand towards the end of 2017, I felt better. However that didn’t lasted long. I started going down the dark path again.
In June 2018, I decided to commit suicide again. However this time I tried calling the suicide hotline before doing on and my call wasn’t answered. In split seconds, I was back in the hospital again.
Once I came out, I was angry that no one answered my call when I needed them. So I tried calling the suicide hotline again and I took me 4 trials (over a period of 4 days) to get in touch with them. They told me the shortage of volunteers that they are facing when compared to the growing number of callers. As a back-up they gave me another number that I can called, which I tried right away and after 5 minutes, no one answered my call.
With all that I went through, understanding the importance of having someone to listen to you in time of need, understanding that being able to talk to someone can be a matter of life or death and understanding the overwhelming number of suicide cases, I decided to use start Sati App, an on-demand listening services.
Se snadnějším přístupem k chytrým telefonům vytváříme aplikaci, která má pomoci předejít sebevraždám.
Vždy hledáme jednotlivce, kteří jsou motivováni k tomu, aby pomohli změnit tuto společnost na více empatickou. Přidejte se k nám a staňte se součástí našeho týmu posluchačů Sati.
Se snadnějším přístupem k chytrým telefonům vytváříme aplikaci, která pomůže předcházet sebevraždám. Chytrý telefon.
Sati dostala šanci hostit studenty z BU a UTCC.
Podělit se s nimi o tom, co je Sati a diskutovat o tom, jak je důležité, aby měli vedoucí osoby empatii a aby jí porozuměli. Mít empatii a být zranitelným není slabost, ale když to skutečně pochopíme, budeme schopni obohatit ostatní kolem nás, aby se stali taky empatickými. 💙 Děkujeme CommonPurpose, že nám tohle umožnili
Článek od našeho CEO.
Sanju 'Amorn' Sachamuneewongse:
"Tento rok byl tak inspirující! Nikdy jsem nemyslel, že se budu moci setkat s tolika úžasnými dušemi, které se snaží změnit svět a být hlasem pro Duševní zdraví. Ke všemu jsem ještě byl vybrán jako 1 z 50 Shapers k účasti na každoročním setkání Světového ekonomického fóra 2020 v Davosu, Švýcarsku!
Udělám vše pro to, aby na mě Global Shapers Bangkok a rodina Shapers pro duševní zdraví mohli být hrdí!
Jsem najednou nervózní i nedočkavý. Děkuji mé rodině a život zachraňujícím přátelům, kteří se mnou zůstali během mých temných let a vytvořili pro mě bezpečné útočiště. Je to díky tomu, že jste mi zvedli telefon, vyslechli mě, starali se o mě a drželi mě, že jsem dnes tady".
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